What is this?

This blog will be a resource for recording thoughts, ideas, schemes, and anything else that develops on the way to forming a unified voice and center for the Charleston arts community. Everything presented here is subject to change.

How does this work?

There will be a designated set of authors who will be responsible for posting topics for discussion, to begin with anyone may comment on a discussion topic or suggest a new post but only the authors may post new topics (this is mostly to avoid spamming and over posting). In time this can develop into an online wiki or discussion board style web page of information and ideas, but at the moment a blog is the most direct, immediate and open way to track the development of the ideas being developed. if you have a suggestion or want to post please send email to

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

American College of the Building Arts is Launching “Sweet Sixteen” Campaign to Raise Money for Scholarships

Do you share a passion for well-made homes and buildings, structures that endure? Do you admire the people who build and maintain them? If you answered “yes” then you may want to learn about the American College of the Building Arts (ACBA): the only college in this country teaching old-world artisan skills at the same time providing a first-rate liberal arts education.

ACBA was established to solve a growing problem in building preservation that became evident in 1989 when Hurricane Hugo swept through Charleston, SC and severely damaged many of the city’s historic structures. Mayor Joseph P. Riley, Jr. and the citizens of Charleston sought to restore these buildings to their historic glory by using traditional building methods and materials. It was discovered that in spite of Charleston’s commitment to historic preservation, there were only a few local craftsmen trained and qualified for the task. The lack of master craftsmen is not unique to Charleston, as quality and design and craftsmanship training have been steadily declining throughout the nation.

ACBA is launching its first online marketing campaign, Sweet Sixteen, to increase awareness and support of the College. The goal is to reach 16,000 people within 16 days, while raising a minimum of $160,000 – just 10 bucks a person.

If you choose to support the College with your $10, please pass the Sweet Sixteen message to your network of family, friends, and associates with your appeal for everyone to do the same. . . this rapid multiplication of the Sweet Sixteen message should result in a little from a lot of people and it will make a big difference. The Sweet Sixteen deadline is March 3, 2010.

Tuition for an ACBA student is $19,000. There are many qualified young people across the country who cannot afford it. Each dollar raised helps to recruit more deserving students while it also helps to provide a first-rate liberal arts education.