What is this?

This blog will be a resource for recording thoughts, ideas, schemes, and anything else that develops on the way to forming a unified voice and center for the Charleston arts community. Everything presented here is subject to change.

How does this work?

There will be a designated set of authors who will be responsible for posting topics for discussion, to begin with anyone may comment on a discussion topic or suggest a new post but only the authors may post new topics (this is mostly to avoid spamming and over posting). In time this can develop into an online wiki or discussion board style web page of information and ideas, but at the moment a blog is the most direct, immediate and open way to track the development of the ideas being developed. if you have a suggestion or want to post please send email to

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

"Our Artful Moment," the first juried show at Plum Elements.
Submission Deadline: Thursday, April 16, 2009
Exhibition: April 27 - May 17 in Plum Elements' main gallery
Opening Reception: April 30th, the President's 100th day in office
No Entry Fee; Work available for sale.
For application or more info: email info@PlumElements.com or call 843.727.3747

Open to artists working in any discipline or media — painting, prose, drawing, sculpture, poetry, photography, graphics, mixed media, video, and digital. Only original work will be accepted. "Our Artful Moment" is an opportunity for all to capture, via their art, the power of President Obama's inauguration.

Andrea Schenck, owner of Plum Elements, said submissions are arriving, and she looks forward to more work of all types. “It was such a moment. I am optimistic that the work will be an exceptional depiction of that day," said Schenck. She encourages everyone to take part —
by creating and submitting or enjoying when the show opens.

Charleston's home for artful living, Plum Elements is located at: 161 1/2 King Street, across from the Library Society on Lower King. Hours are Monday through Saturday from 10-ish a.m. until 6 p.m., on Thursday until 7 p.m. and by appointment. For more information contact: 843.727.3747 or info@plumelements.com.