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How does this work?
Monday, December 28, 2009
Footlight Players: Footlight looking for designers for our new Fashion Fundraiser!
Whether you are an emerging designer with hopes of being the next Runway star or someone of any age or background who has been sewing her/his whole life and loving it, here is your chance to:
Showcase your talent, Earn some $$$
Help The Footlight Players
…all at the same time!
The Footlight Players and The Hat Ladies are in high fashion once again, in conjunction with the play, Five Women Wearing the Same Dress. Here is how the fundraiser works:
*You design a dress. It could be one to wear to the store, the finest restaurant, the theater, the prom, a wedding, etc. It could be for an adult or for a child.
*You determine the cost of YOUR dress.
*You determine what percentage of your sale price you will donate to The Footlight Players (Ex: Dress price =$150, donate 30% to Footlight then you get $105 and Footlight gets $45 per dress).
*Your dress will hang in the Lobby of The Theater for the entire run of Five Women Wearing the Same Dress. (March 11-28, 2010). During this time, 5 patrons will have the opportunity to buy your dress.
*You then make five dresses of this design, custom fitting it for each buyer.
All participants receive these additional perks:
2 complimentary tickets to a private performance of the play, Thursday, March 11, 2010
Your name in the playbill
Your name on a poster in the Lobby
Your name and contact information next to your dress
The chance for your dress to be chosen to appear on the TV show, Lowcountry Live, during opening week of the play.
That is right! Your unique design may be seen walking down the street, going out on the town on 5 different women. It will be admired by hundreds of theatre attendees as well as tourists here for Charleston Fashion Week, which runs concurrently.
Initial application includes: Name, address, phone number, email, and brief description of your passion for fashion; due JANUARY 15, 2010
Sketch of your dress due February 3 , 2010
Finished dress due: FEBRUARY 24, 2010
QUESTIONS? PLEASE CALL (843) 722-7521 or e-mail info@footlightplayers.net
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Jeffrey Day on Crowded Calendars & Much Needed Conversations
And check out Jeffrey's blog too!
From Carolina Culture by Jeffrey Day:
When will artists and arts groups start talking to one another?
At the end of my rope a few weeks ago I wrote on Facebook: Why the hell is everything going on at the same time?! (Actually I wrote: I've only been covering the arts in Columbia for 20 years, so maybe I just need a little more time to figure this out: why does everyone schedule everything at the same time on the same day?)
Several people pointed out that this is the sign of a healthy arts environment.
I agree to a point, but we have a small arts audience that’s already fragmented. Instead of it getting more broken up and losing the little clout it has, I’d like to more coming together.
A few recent examples of too much at once:
A panel discussion about the State Art Collection and a reception for a show drawn from that collection as well as two art shows on Main Street. I had to miss the chamber music concert that night.
Another evening included an artists’ panel, an art show opening, a poetry reading and another opening.
Then there was the Friday and Saturday of an opera, a dance performance and a play - something that couldn’t actually be done.
There’s a good, or maybe bad, case study Thursday.
That evening Main Street will be awash with seven art shows and some music and dance. At the same time Compass 5 in Cayce opens an art show and one more is happening at if Art Gallery. The Midlands Clay Art Society is holding an event at Gallery 80808/Vista Studios too. There’s even an overlap in the artists showing at Frame of Mind on Main and Compass 5. And yesterday (Monday) I learned there's another art and design event, this one through the Columbia Design League, going on at the same time as well.
Why doesn't everyone just stand in a circle with guns drawn like at the end of "Reservoir Dogs"?
Some people will make it to more than one of these places, but with all that Main Street activity, I doubt there will be many. I also truly doubt those who start on Main Street will ever make it over the river and down State Street or vice versa. I haven’t yet figured out how I’m going to do it - and I want to. (One should keep in mind that these are art shows so you can see them some other time, but I know how that goes.)
The time is past for arts groups, art businesses and artists to start talking to one another and coordinating events for everyone’s benefits. We’re never going to avoid all scheduling conflicts, but we can do better.
(One thing that came up on the Facebook discussion was the need for a comprehensive calendar, but I don’t know anyone who has the time, money or inclination to take this on and artists and arts groups don’t submit information to the calendars the already exist.)
Let’s start with something manageable.
How about staggering activities and have each venue let visitors know what’s going on at other places the same night? That would turn a crowded calendar into something positive.
Looking long-range, how about a gallery association like those in other cities?
“Too much going on at once” is mostly my problem; it’s my job to go to as much as I can and I get pretty obsessive about it. Call me idealistic, but I want to see you at everything too.
(Look for more commentary in the coming weeks about this and related issues such as cross-discipline programming and the shortcomings of social networking sites in spreading the word. And please share your ideas in the comments section below.)
at 1:46 AM Posted by Carolina Culture by Jeffrey Day 20 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
Creative Charleston Survey for New Carolina/Parliament
New Carolina/Parliament (the people that brig you Pecha Kucha Night Charleston) and Charleston Regional Development Alliance are asking your help with a study being conducted on the ways in which the arts contribute to the economy of the Charleston Region. We are asking all artists, musicians, and craftspeople in the region to fill out a short online survey about the “business” side of your artistic endeavor. We want to know more about the kind of art you practice and how your important work helps our region’s economy. Too often the arts and creativity are left out of economic development plans—this is your chance to help us document and demonstrate the importance of the arts in the Charleston region.
We want to stress that all your responses will be kept confidential and if there are any questions that you would rather not answer, then you can skip those. We don’t ask for your name with the exception of asking if you would be willing to be contacted for any follow-up interviews. You are under no obligation to leave your name, however.
The survey can be accessed at http://tinyurl.com/charlestonart. It will take you no more than 15-20 minutes to complete. We encourage you to complete the survey at your earliest convenience and please forward this email to any fellow friends in the creative economy.
We are so grateful for your assistance. Your participation is critical. Remember the survey can be found at http://tinyurl.com/charlestonart.
Thank you,
Beth Meredith
Saturday, November 28, 2009
WALK: Call for Entries
Hello Artists!Call for entries for, Juxtaposition: artists respond to poets and poets respond to artists is extended to December 15!Download the entry form and mail it to WALK Gallery, LLC, PO Box 639 Charleston, SC 29402 or drop it off at Plum Elements, 161 1/2 King Street, by December 15th! Make sure you include the $20 entry fee, the entry form, your artist statement, and 3 examples of your work.
Download: Entry FormA little about Juxtaposition:12 poets and 12 artists will be selected by jury to participate inJuxtaposition: artists respond to poets and poets respond to artists. Poets will use the Japanese poetry form of a Haiku in response to a work of art, or an artist will respond to the poets
Haiku. Any form of 2Dimensional artwork will be accepted.The exhibition is scheduled for March 5 – April 30, 2010. An opening reception will be announced closer to the exhibition dates.
Studio Spaces for Rent
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Low Country Artisan Collective’s Best of the Best Show, Saturday, Nov 21 and Sunday, Nov. 22
Media Contact: Cookie Washington: 259-8108
Operation Art!
Local fine art meets homelessness prevention at the Low Country Artisan Collective’s Best of the Best Show, Saturday, Nov 21 and Sunday, Nov. 22 - noon to 6 p.m. at Number 10 Storehouse Row on the old Naval Base in North Charleston. A portion of the proceeds benefits the Emergency Repairs work of local non-profit, Operation Home. A private Preview Party takes place Friday, November 20, from 6 to 10 p.m.
The event showcases more than 25 fine artists, representing every medium the Low country has to offer, says Torreah Cookie Washington, an esteemed art quilter, who is coordinating the show along with her friend, renowned painter, Arianne King Comer.
“There is a long tradition of enormous good coming out of the partnership between art and philanthropy,” explains Washington, who notes that the upcoming sale offers work by greater Charleston’s top talents at a diverse variety of price points. “The title, Best of the Best, speaks both for the incredible work that will be for sale, and for the double-your-pleasure factor that this show enables anyone to afford to give art and charity as holiday presents.”
Washington notes that Operation Home’s mission to provide safe housing for those in need is a cause that touches many of the artists personally. “Even in the toughest economic times, as we’re seeeing now, Charleston has always supported its creative community in extraordinary ways; but most artists have known at least some period in their lifetime when they did not have housing security,” she explains. “They know how scary and unsafe that feels, and they are delighted to use their gifts to make a difference in the lives of others.”
Preview the art at www.artscuttlebutt/bestofthebestartsale.com
For more information on the Best of the Best show, email Cookiesews@aol.com
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Operation Art!
Local fine art meets homelessness prevention at the Low Country Artisan Collective’s Best of the Best Show, Saturday, Nov 21 and Sunday, Nov. 22 - noon to 6 p.m. at Number 10 Storehouse Row on the old Naval Base in North Charleston. A portion of the proceeds benefits the Emergency Repairs work of local non-profit, Operation Home. A private Preview Party takes place Friday, November 20, from 6 to 10 p.m.
The event showcases more than 25 fine artists, representing every medium the Low country has to offer, says Torreah Cookie Washington, an esteemed art quilter, who is coordinating the show along with her friend, renowned painter, Arianne King Comer.
“There is a long tradition of enormous good coming out of the partnership between art and philanthropy,” explains Washington, who notes that the upcoming sale offers work by greater Charleston’s top talents at a diverse variety of price points. “The title, Best of the Best, speaks both for the incredible work that will be for sale, and for the double-your-pleasure factor that this show enables anyone to afford to give art and charity as holiday presents.”
Washington notes that Operation Home’s mission to provide safe housing for those in need is a cause that touches many of the artists personally. “Even in the toughest economic times, as we’re seeeing now, Charleston has always supported its creative community in extraordinary ways; but most artists have known at least some period in their lifetime when they did not have housing security,” she explains. “They know how scary and unsafe that feels, and they are delighted to use their gifts to make a difference in the lives of others.”
Preview the art at www.artscuttlebutt/bestofthebestartsale.com
For more information on the Best of the Best show, email Cookiesews@aol.com
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Americans for the Arts E-Advocacy Center
a moment to do the same. As expected our representative voted against this appropriation. The dearth of arts support in SC stems from the continued low taxation in SC as well as the national representatives who deny the importance of the arts to the citizens of the state. Herein is a letter you can send to Henry Brown, expressing your concerns about his vote.
Please Follow This Link to Take Action on Important Arts Issues
http:// capwiz.com/artsusa/utr/2/?a=14261276&i=66081996&c=
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
"Playful Pianos at Piccolo" Call to Artists
These pianos will be painted by artists like you and then auctioned off after the festival, raising money for music scholarships. Fox Music is providing the instruments and transporting them to and from artists’ studios in February. You would have about 6 weeks to finish painting them. Artists will be offered a stipend of $250 each, which you can opt to donate to scholarships if you prefer. If you would like to be part of the “Playful Pianos” project, please respond to creativecarol@bellsouth.net and we’ll give you all the details soon.
Thanks for your interest,
Carol Antman
Creative Spark
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Charleston Fine Art Annual, November 4, 6, 7, 2009
The fine art weekend kicks off on Wednesday, November 4 with the first of a new three part lecture series on Women in Art, organized by the Gibbes Museum of Art. For ticket information on the lecture series, please visit www.gibbesmuseum.org. The next event takes place on Friday, November 6 at 5:00 p.m., featuring an art stroll and gallery openings at CFADA member galleries. Each gallery will present works by prominent local and visiting artists who travel to Charleston every year to participate in this prestigious event. This free event is open to public.
On Saturday morning, November 7 starting at 9:00 a.m., locals and visitors alike will once again mingle and watch artists at work as they donate their time and talent to creating masterpieces that will be later auctioned off at the Charleston Art Auction to benefit the Charleston County High Schools’ art programs. The ever-popular plein air event, Painting in the Park, takes place at Washington Park from 9:00 a.m. till noon.
The Sixth Annual High School Art Competition, a platform for young talented artists to showcase their unique works, is part of the plein air event and will start at 11:00 a.m. at Washington Park. The finest student works will be on display and judged by a panel of celebrity judges. The winners will be announced at 11:30 a.m.
Saturday evening will be dedicated to auctioning fine works of art, featuring historically significant paintings and drawings together with contemporary works by recognized American artists. The creations from Painting in the Park will be auctioned interspersed between other works. The Charleston Art Auction will start at 7:15 p.m. at the Renaissance Charleston Hotel, 68 Wentworth Street, downtown Charleston. Reservations are highly recommended as seating is limited. Ticket are $50.00 (contributed to the Charleston County High School Art Programs, this includes a fully illustrated sales catalogue) per person.
Founded in 1999, the Charleston Fine Art Dealers’ Association is the source of fine art in the South and consists of the city’s prominent galleries. The association promotes Charleston as a fine art destination for avid collectors and passionate art enthusiasts and supports the artists of the future. CFADA has donated more than $140,000 to local high schools, the Gibbes Museum of Art, Redux Art Center and the Studio Art Department at the College of Charleston. For more information on CFADA, please visit www.cfada.com and for ticket reservations for the auction call 843-722-0128.
Redux’s Annual Call to Artists
This year’s exhibitions and residencies:
The official deadline for all entries is postmarked November 16th 2009.
Artists will be notified of results by mail on or before December 15th 2009.
Please visit our website for answers to frequently asked questions
To apply for an exhibition you must submit the following:
• Application [download from website http://www.reduxstudios.org/exhibitions/apply.html ]
• $35 Application Fee (pay online with Paypal or mail a check with your application)
• portfolio of recent works (5 - 15) that can be in slide, cd, dvd, or video format.
• Inventory list including titles, dates completed, sizes, and mediums.
• Artist Statement
• Artistic Resume
• SASE for return of materials
Submit all materials to:
Redux Contemporary Art Center
136 St. Philip Street
Charleston, SC 29403
Please visit >> http://www.reduxstudios.org/exhibitions/apply.html
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Capoeira Classes Offered in Charleston
Capoeira transcends martial arts, music, and ritual. It was born on the streets of Brazil. It is a philosophical framework for approaching and interacting with the others and the world at large. It is a deep and holistic art form that pushes the practitioner to the proverbial limits - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Charleston's Capoeira Performance Arts group performed at the Charleston Arts Coalition Launch Party last February. Now, Charleston youth can learn this amazing art and sign up for classes at http://www.capoeiracharleston.com/
Monday, September 28, 2009
Lowcountry's First "Barcamp" on Saturday, October 24
The 40,000-square-foot Lowcountry Innovation Center (LIC) (http://www.lowcountryinnovationcenter.com/), located at 1535 Hobby St., North Charleston, SC 29405-1939, was created to provide the digital infrastructure and business incubator office space required by the region's expanding "knowledge-based industries" sector. Although BarCampCHS isn't limited to technology topics, BarCamp's heritage of technology education makes it well-suited to the LIC's facilities.
The LIC will host BarCampCHS from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 24. Registration for the event is free and open to anyone, but will be capped to the first 200 who sign up at http://www.barcampchs.org.
The BarCamp movement (http://www.barcamp.org) began in 2005 in response to an annual invitation-only technology conference called FooCamp. The name BarCamp refers to FooCamp as a play on the hacker term "fubar."
BarCamps follow a format also known as an "un-conference," in which participants pick the topics and lead the sessions at the day-long events. Though often associated with its tech-industry roots, after hundreds of affiliated BarCamps around the world, the focus has broadened to whatever topics interest participants. The convening of an area's first BarCamp is often considered a milestone event in the development of a community-based tech/creative economic sector.
BarCamp Charleston is an all-volunteer group of people who are working together to produce the Lowcountry's first un-conference. Principal organizers have been active in multiple local creative and tech-based groups and are available for interviews. Because this camp is being developed for the Lowcountry, organizers are alert to touches that could reflect local tastes and deliver local flavor. The conference is sponsored by rehava Real Estate Store, an innovative full service real estate firm that offers homebuyers 50% of its commission back at closing. Media sponsors are the Charleston City Paper, CHARLIE, TheDigitel.com, CRBJ and Social Media Club.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Jonathan Green Works at the City Gallery

The City of Charleston Office of Cultural Affairs presents a 2009 MOJA Art Festival Exhibit at the City Gallery at Waterfront Park titled "Jonathan Green & Protégés" The show, featuring original works of Jonathan Green, Juan Diaz, Reynier Llanes, Jean Dornevil, and Willie Leftwich, opens on September 13 through October 4, 2009. The City Gallery is located at 34 Prioleau Street in downtown Charleston. Admission is free.
See a Wish; Make a Wish at Plum Elements
Meet the artist at the closing reception, Thursday, September 24th from 5-7:30 p.m. The exhibition runs through September 26th. Art reviewer Nick Smith wrote this about the show, "Hirsig's wish for open-minded teachers and administrators won't always be fulfilled. At best, she'll encourage others to dream and question the status quo of our school system. As an educator, she feels that she doesn't have much of a voice, so she expresses her opinions through her art. If that's the case, then she's expressed herself eloquently at Plum Elements."
Charleston's home for artful living, Plum Elements is located at: 161 1/2 King Street. Hours are Monday through Saturday from 10-ish a.m. until 6 p.m., on Thursday until 7 p.m. and
by appointment. For more information contact: 843.727.3747 or info@plumelements.com.
Nathan Durfee Solo Show & Robert Lang Studios’ New Gallery Opening October 2
Gallery owner Robert Lange says, “Nathan’s paintings ignite the imagination of creative people, drawing them into an uncharted nostalgic world of the curious and inconceivable. I can’t think of a better artist to jump start our new location.”
For the opening, Durfee has created over thirty-five of these curious and whimsical works. Durfee’s paintings will not be the only thing for patrons to enjoy; the massive 2700 sq. foot space will have new work from all twelve RLS artists, as well as some creative renovations and special touches.
The old antebellum warehouse where the gallery is relocating has been charged with creative energy since the early sixties. Local renowned sculpture, Willard Hirsch bought the building and turned it into his studio. It has remained occupied by artists ever since.
“The sculptures I walk by everyday in Washington Park were created in the room I will soon have my easel set-up,” says Lange. “The space has such a rich artistic history I feel inspired just entering it.”
The exterior of the 1840 building will remain the same and is build out of local gray brick. The lettering can still vaguely be seen reading C. Wulbern & Co. Warehouse No. 2. In designing the front entrance to the space over thirty years ago, Hirsch handcrafted metal sculptures to adorn the window panels. Lange will be adding his own personal touch to the exterior by hand painting the new gallery sign.
Still to be seen on the interior are the massive 12-by-12 foot beams, exposed brick walls, and arched windows. To bring an element of the Lowcountry into the space Lange purchased an 8-foot-by-16-foot wall of marsh grass floating in resin that will be backlit in one of the rooms.
“Between our five year anniversary, Nathan’s solo show, and the new space, I think there is a lot to celebrate,” says Lange. “Charleston’s art scene has embraced us for the last five years and I think the opening is a great way to say thank you.”
Social Wine Bar & Restaurant will provide the catering; while Charleston Grill provides specialty drinks and Chocolate will be making dessert treates. The opening reception is free and open to the public on October 2 from 5:00 to 8:00 at 2 Queen Street and coincides with the French Quarter Art Walk.
Free Day at the Gibbes Museum of Art, September 26
The Gibbes Museum of Art, with support from the Junior League of Charleston, will be offering a Folk Art Community Day on Sept. 26 with free admission and family activities from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Junior League Community Days are held quarterly to offer visitors the opportunity to experience the Gibbes' programming free of charge.
Community Day events will include art-making activities for children, a ballet performance by Once Upon a Ballet, and beverages from Rising High Cafe. Visitors can also enjoy the special exhibition "Ancestry & Innovation: African-American Art from the American Folk Art Museum."
The Gibbes is located at 135 Meeting St. Go to www.gibbesmuseum.org for more information or details.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
HELP paint Eco-Carnival games for the Green Fair in Marion Square
We will have plenty of paint and brushes, so just bring your imagination (and a friend) because we have a total of seven unique games.
We will be meeting at my house at 614 Williamson Drive in Mount Pleasant on Saturday, September 12th starting at 10am.
If you are unable to attend but know someone with skills, please pass the word!
Please RSVP so we know how many to expect!
Suzie Webster
Managing Producer, SC Green Fair
Friday, September 4, 2009
SC Film Commission 200k award available
South Carolina Film Commission
In February 2011, the South Carolina Film Commission will award a maximum of
two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00) to the University of South Carolina
and Trident Technical College to collaborate with media professionals to produce
a short dramatic film. Each school has the ability to receive up to one hundred
thousand dollars ($100,000.00) each for their collaborative project.
To partner with USC, you must submit a script and project overview to USC’s
Principal Investigator. No more than 20 scripts will be accepted. Of the 20, three
will be chosen. Submission deadline is September 18, 2009. If your project is
one of the three, you must complete the comprehensive Production Fund
Application for Finalists package described in Section II for review by a panel
of film professionals called the Production Fund Review Panel who will choose
one single grant award winner.
To partner with Trident Technical College, you must submit a script and project
overview to the SC Film Commission. No more than 20 will be accepted.
Submission deadline is September 18, 2009. Of the 20, three will be chosen. If
your project is one of the three, you must complete the comprehensive
Production Fund Application for Finalists package described in Section II for
review by a panel of film professionals called the Production Fund Review
Panel who will choose one single grant award winner.
This is a two step process: First submit a script and project overview (described
on page 5) by September 18th, 2009. Three projects for each school will become
finalists. Finalists must complete the application package described in Section II
and deliver to the SC Film Commission by December 8th, 2009.
Upon award in February, the colleges and producing teams must work with a film
professional to determine the final budget and timeline. The project will be
broken down using professional scripting and budgeting software such as Movie
Magic and a producer’s workshop training session for South Carolinians will be
held reviewing the process.
September 18, 2009: USC will accept up to 20 script/proposals. They will
review these proposals for the next month and choose three acceptable
scripts/projects. Submit to Susan Hogue HOGUES@mailbox.sc.edu
Susan Hogue, 803 467 9888 or hogues@gwm.sc.edu
University of South Carolina Art Department
McMaster College
1615 Senate Street
Columbia, SC 29208
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Post Your Name, Contact, Comments so We Can Continue This Coversation
Town Hall Meeting August 25
Some Survey Facts:
What's missing in Charleston arts community:
- public awareness
- creative arts district
- leadership
- networking
- support from business community
- networking
- creative community needs to be seem as professional
- multi-functional facility
277 people took the survey - leading age group 40-49 (28%)
72% of the surveyed people believed that there is a need for a group that unites the creative arts community in Charleston.
Special Guests that attended the Town Hall meeting:
Katie Fox and Jeanette Guinn from the SC Arts Commission
Ellen Dressler Moryl, Director of the Office of Cultural Affairs
Marty Besancon, Cultural Arts Director of the North Charleston Cultural Arts
Mark Sloan, curator at the College of Charleston's Halsey Institute
Karen Chandler, co-founder of Charleston Jazz Initiative and Arts Management Professor at the College of Charleston School of the Arts
Sharon Gracie, Artistic Director and Co-founder of Pure Theater
Kyle Barnette from the Charleston Ballet Theater
John Zinsser of Pacifica Human Communicatrions
Contact: jzinsser@conflictbenefit.com
In the audience:
West Fraser, artist, Helena Fox Fine Art
Lese Corrigan, artist/owner at Corrigan Gallery, president of CFADA
Robert Lange, artist/owner, Robert Lange Fine Art
Tom Starland, publisher, Carolina Arts
Erin Glaze, director, City Gallery at Waterfront Park
Nandini McCauley, marketing coordinator, School of the Arts at CofC
Angela Mack, director, Gibbes Museum of Art
Marla Loftus, Gibbes Museum of Art
Patrick Bryant, Parliament
Jim Braunreuther, arts coordinator, Charleston County Schools
Duda Lucena, musician, Brazilian singer and guitar player
art teachers, performers, designers, artisans, art enthusiasts
If we didn't include your name, feel free to include it in comments.
Tweeting Live from the Creative Town Hall Meeting at Wachovia Auditorium
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Spaces Between Your Fingers Project
Check out his website and see for yourself. Matt is the man behind this, and he's printed up all these cards for people to draw their own hand's outline on, and then fill it with advice to America. The cards are then to be mailed back to him in Philly and there will be a whole exhibition of them. You're supposed to go around and find the hand that fits your own perfectly, and the advice that is contained therein, well, that's for you. He's going to scan them all and put them online, so you can find your own card down the road, if you can't make it to the exhibition. Being a writer, I'm sure Matt will take this project into something even more than just the visual display.
I have 10 of these cards, so if you want one, let me know! email stacyhuggins@live.com
I hope you will check this out, and be inspired, moved, motivated, whatever! It's great to see the work of other Creative people in our country--makes you feel like all the hard work going on in Charleston and beyond really has a purpose and will make a difference.
Keep up the good fight guys & cheers!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Nursing Creativity Through the Economic Slump on August 25
“The Coalition was created to be a voice of the people. Our goal is to host events where this voice can be heard,” says Jessica Solomon Bluestein, president of the Coalition. Meeting attendees are encouraged to share ideas and suggestions; panelists selected from different creative disciplines include Ellen Dressler Moryl, director of the Office of Cultural Affairs; Mark Sloan, curator at the College of Charleston's Halsey Institute; Karen Chandler, co-founder of Charleston Jazz Initiative and Arts Management Professor at the College of Charleston School of the Arts; and Sharon Gracie, artistic director and co-founder of PURE Theatre. The meeting will be facilitated by John W. Zinsser of Pacifica Human Communications.
The Charleston Arts Coalition, a cross-disciplinary coalition of voices aspiring to unite Charleston’s creative community, was established as a vehicle for expression and is evolving into a collaborative effort to promote and enhance Charleston’s rich array of creative disciplines including visual, culinary and performing arts, architecture, design and much more.
The Charleston Arts Coalition provides a forum and virtual gateway for creative individuals, organizations and businesses to collaborate on projects, exchange ideas, host special events and, in general, promote creativity in Charleston through advocacy, outreach, promotion and educational and professional programming.
The College of Charleston's Wachovia Auditorium in the Beatty Center is located at 5 Liberty St., Charleston. For more information about the coalition or to get involved, please visit www.charlestonartscoalition.com. Join our Facebook group to rsvp.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
BB&T Charleston Wine + Food Festival Poster Competition!!
The competition is on! Calling all artists to compete for a chance to win $1,000 and the title of Official Poster Artist of the 2010 BB&T Charleston Wine and Food Festival.
The winning poster (to be determined by a panel of judges representing both the local culinary and art communities) will be showcased in a special insert in Charleston magazine's December 2009 Food & Wine issue, and used for official retail merchandise.
Entry into the competition is free and open to all residents of Charleston, Berkeley and Dorchester counties 18 years and older.
Artists' designs should illustrate Charleston's unique culinary culture and exhibit characteristics that would appropriately represent the Festival, while highlighting the 5th year anniversary of the organization. Artists are required to incorporate the signature wine stain (available with the application) into the design.
The deadline for all submissions is August 28, 2009.
For information about the competition, visit Charleston Magazine or email art@charlestonwineandfood.com.
Monday, August 10, 2009
"Measure: Creatures Great + Small" at Robert Lange Studios this September

Charleston-based painter Robert Lange plays with scale by shrinking massive animals and blowing-up mini animals in a series of 25 new works entitled Measure: Creatures Great + Small. On view from September 4 thru September 30, 2009, at Robert Lange Studios, the show is a unique investigation into how the size of an animal effects our interaction with them.
At the modest age of 28, Lange was recently the American Heart Association’s featured artist. He received a BFA from Rhode Island School of Design and is best known for creating bodies of work in a hyper-realist fashion.
In December of 2008, Lange’s acclaimed series Still + Life portrayed still lives with the addition of living elements such as birds and humans. In his upcoming Measure show, Lange is now giving the viewer a unique and whimsical perspective of nature; a tiny lion sits regally on a chair or a huge penguin follows a pedestrian down the sidewalk.
Some humorous, some obvious, and some more subtler but in each painting Lange has illustrated how much animals are missing from our everyday by placing them in common scenarios. For example, in one of the pieces for his September show titled, The Fox + The Pear, Lange has depicted a tiny fox sitting in a bowl next to a pear. The fox is scaled to be the same size as the pear and in a charming way sits as though he isn’t a bit out of place.
“The reason for playing with the comparative size of each animal versus their surroundings is to make people take notice. There is an intrigue that is created and captivates the viewer by skewing the scales,” says Lange. “I can’t help but feel a certain amount of disconnection from animals and nature in general and a desire to bring both into my life and at least make people think about a possible addition to theirs.”
In The Viewer, one of the works from his upcoming show, Lange paints a giant owl being viewed by two people in a museum-type setting. Due to the relative scale of the viewers and creature, the people appear overwhelmed by the twenty-foot owl before them. This piece exhibits not only the artist’s feeling towards how our natural world is now displayed but also his humbled feeling as an artist towards capturing the quintessential essence of the subject.
“I wish through realism to create a seamless feeling that makes people second guess if tiny pandas really exist or what their experience would be like to have a giant chipmunk standing next to them,” says Lange. “It’s import to me that I’m always asking questions of the viewers through my paintings and that my audience looks to find the answers.”
Measure: Creatures Great + Small series will hang at Robert Lange Studios at 151 East Bay St. from Friday, September 4 – Wednesday, September 30, 2009. The opening reception will be Friday, September 4, from 5:30 – 8:30 PM and the artist will attend.
Please visit www.robertlangestudios.com or call for more information 843.805.8052. Digital images are available upon request.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Call For Entries
To enter, please submit up to 3 JPEG images of 2-D works no larger than 24” x 24“ along with a CV and statement about your artistic influences and creation process to Tiffany Silverman at tiffany.silverman@citadel.edu by September 15, 2009.
CharlestonCulture.com on Caterpillar Art
Spread the word about CharlestonCulture.com to your friends, colleagues, clients, visitors to Charleston...everyone! And if you haven't created your profile, do so immediately! It's free, easy to use, open to ALL disciplines of art, and the calendar allows you to post all your events for the public to see--'Say, what's going on today in Charleston?' Hmmm, one site that tells you all the arts events happening across town...give them the answer.
Want to get the word out about your art? Have great turnouts for your events? Make more money in this stressed economic time? Create your totally FREE profile and post all your events on CharlestonCulture.com! You can link your profile back to your website, add images, bio and contact info. If you're in the arts, of any kind, interested in the arts, or just looking for something arty to do in Charleston, CharlestonCulture.com is for you!
What are you waiting for?
Friday, July 31, 2009
OUTSIDE the BOX workshop, Sept. 11-12
OUTSIDE the BOX, two
september 11th & 12th
A FUN workshop, anyone can participate:
beginner to old pro. come enjoy!
paint OUTSIDE the BOX
and around and upside down!
you will create one oversized painting in acrylic
Learn painting concepts of VALUE SCALE and RHYTHM
Create your own color palette from housepaints
Expand study of a theme to form your composition
Thursday & Friday 9:30 - 2:30
get acquainted session Thursday evening at the artist's home
$250 plus canvas and minimal supplies
checks received by August 11th early bird discount: $200
For more info, contact Carol @
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Two Great Upcoming Benefit Events- Check them OUT!
On July 23rd, there will be a fund-raiser for artist, Ella Watson, a young artist needing a liver transplant to survive at the Lowcountry Artists Gallery. The fundraiser, music, libations, and a raffle, will include a silent auction of Ella's art work and local artists' work. Portions of the proceeds will be going to Ella's Awesomeness Fund which is a grant for artists with medical conditions (you can read more at ellasliver.com
Contemporary Women, a benefit for the Center for Women
On Wednesday, July 22 Margo Kaufman Gallery will be turning the space at 438 King St into an art gallery and hosting a fundraiser for the CFW. The show will highlight new works by Charleston's most talented female artists: Sharon Lacey, McLean Stythe, Helen Rice, Sally King Benedict, Kaminer Haislip, Zelda Grant, and Maria Costa. Refreshments will be served and the artists will be present. This is a one night only event. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the art will be donated to benefit the CFW's job counseling program. $10 donation at the door.
Wednesday, July 22 | 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
438 King Street, Downtown Charleston
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
We Need YOUR Feedback
If possible, please answer the following question by tommorrow at
5PM. Your feedback is greatly appreciated!
The Post and Courier is running an article analyzing participation in the various arts groups in Charleston. In light of a recent study conducted by the National Endowment for the Arts, which states that turn out of arts events is rapidly decreasing, they hope to compare the city to national trends and see if the occurrences have any correlation to the economy or if there is something else driving arts participation.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
2009 Palette and Palate Stroll Taking Place on July 17, 2009
The Charleston Fine Art Dealers’ Association’s Fourth Annual Palette and Palate Stroll is one of the most anticipated visual art and fine food events in the South. This year’s event will take place on Friday, July 17, 2009. Fine art and food connoisseurs will stroll through the historic streets of downtown Charleston, sampling tastings from thirteen of the finest local restaurants in the beautiful setting of thirteen prestigious galleries. The Palette and Palate Stroll starts at 5:30pm and ends at 7:30pm.
The 2009 pairings are: Ann Long Fine Art & Oak; Carolina Galleries & Circa 1886; Charleston Renaissance Gallery & High Cotton; Corrigan Gallery & Cypress, John Carroll Doyle Art Gallery & 82 Queen; Ella Walton Richardson Fine Art & Social; Helena Fox Fine Art & Carolina’s; Horton Hayes Fine Art & Shine; Martin Gallery & Fat Hen and Wild Olive; Robert Lange Studios & FIG; Smith-Killian Fine Art & McCrady’s; The Sylvan Gallery & Halls Chophouse and Wells Gallery & Charleston Grill.
The event is presented as part of the Charleston Fine Art Dealers’ Association’s Studio Series, benefiting its visual arts scholarship fund. Money from the scholarship fund has been awarded to organizations such as Redux, the Gibbes Museum of Art and the College of Charleston School of the Arts. The 2009 event is sponsored by Charleston Magazine. Cost is $30 per person and tickets are limited. Reservations are required. Tickets can be purchased by calling 843-819-8006 or on-line at www.cfada.com.
Founded in 1999, the Charleston Fine Art Dealers’ Association consists of the city’s prominent galleries working together to promote Charleston as a fine art destination for passionate art enthusiasts, avid collectors and talented artists. Since 2004, CFADA has donated more than $140,000 to local public high schools and scholarships for future artists.

Civic Action Exhibit Opening on June 25, 2009 at Charleston Civic Design Center
June 25th, 5:30-8:00pm
June 26th -August 7th, weekdays
Charleston Civic Design Center
85 Calhoun Street
The Civic Action Exhibition is a showcase of local grassroots organizations and the work they are doing to improve Charleston. For the exhibition the Charleston Civic Design Center gathered a variety of different organizations to demonstrate how the work of each of the organizations contributes to a larger action that is
changing our city for the better.
The exhibition was centered around a simple question put to each or the organizations. “What is the most promising opportunity to improve our community, and what action will your organization take to make a difference.”
We hope that you will join us June 25th for the opening, when each organization will answer this question two ways. Starting at 6:30pm each organization will give a short five minute speech addressing the question, and they will also all reveal the showcase pieces they designed which will be displayed in the CCDC’s gallery space for the remainder of the exhibition.
Exhibition Features:
Architecture for Humanity
Charleston Holy City Bike Co-op
Charleston Arts Coalition
Louie’s Kids
Charleston Horticultural Society
Lowcountry Earth Force
Charleston Miracle League
Pecha Kucha Charleston
Charleston Moves
Pour it Now
Fields to Families
Monday, May 18, 2009
CharlestonCulture.com Launch Party Video
CharlestonCulture.com Launch Party from Anthony Spencer on Vimeo.
Friday, May 15, 2009
thank you!

Thank you to everyone who attended the CharlestonCulture.com Launch Party last night at Robert Lange Studios--it was amazing! Thanks again to Shine for the food & swinging after party, British Wine Merchant for the wine and DJ Icebread for the fabulous soundtrack. And especially a huge thank you to all who came! What an incredible arts community we have in YOU.
Please visit CharlestonCulture.com and create your free profile, add your events to our calendar and check out all the arts events of all types happening right here in Charleston!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
LILA celebration on May 15th
Please come on May 15th 6-8PM to our special celebration of "To Kiss a Biting
Spider" - The Burke High School literary magazine made possible through
Lila's Poets In the Schools Program.
Silent auction featuring signed books by LILA Advisory Board Members,
Tickets to The Colbert Report, gift basket donated by Jonathan Green etc.
Warm wishes,
Marjory Wentworth, SC Poet Laureate
843/693-5191 (cell),843/849-12849 (FAX)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

CharlestonCulture.com is Here!
Join us Thursday, May 14, 2009 6 - 8 pm
Robert Lange Studios {151 East Bay St} 843.805.8052
Food by Shine, Wine from British Wine Merchant, Entertainment by DJ Icebread & door prizes from Redux Contemporary Art Center, Charleston Nut Company, Beaded Venus, Country Bumpkin and more!
58 Line Street, at the corner of King and Line
Drink specials on their very popular sparkling sake-Don't miss it!
A Charleston Arts Coalition Project
Supported in part by the Charleston Area Convention & Visitors Bureau
Monday, May 11, 2009
May Art Openings in Charleston, SC
into June. Artists will be present.
Carolina Galleries, located at 106 A Church Street, is pleased to present new work by Mickey Williams featuring his recent exploration of the Carolina nighttime landscapes. Opening with a reception on Friday, May 1 from 5 to 8 pm, Williams’ work examines the mysterious and exotic world of the South Carolina nightscape.
The Charleston Renaissance Gallery is launching its next virtual show on May 1, 2009. The title is Southern Economy: Images of Life and Labor. The show will feature nineteenth and twentieth century masterworks by such noted artists as Elliott Daingerfield, Emil Gruppe, Harry Roseland, Alfred Hutty, Anna Heyward Taylor, Elizabeth O’Neill Verner, Margaret Law, Edmund Marion Ashe, and William Aiken Walker. The gallery is located at 103 Church Street in Charleston, SC.
The Corrigan Gallery in downtown Charleston will host its second solo show for Lynne Riding during the month of May. The show entitled Connections – An Inner Landscape opens Friday, May 1, 2009 with a reception that evening from 5 to 8 pm. The Corrigan Gallery presents art with a future instilled with intellect, and is located at 62 Queen Street.
Helena Fox Fine Art presents a variety of new works by gallery artists Don Demers, West Fraser, Becky Parrish, Kent Ullberg & Teri Whitner. The works will be on view at the gallery as it celebrates the Spring season. The opening reception will take place on Friday, May 1st from 5 to 8pm. The gallery is located at 12 Queen Street.
Horton Hayes Fine Art is pleased to present a series of new works by Nancy Hoerter. The show entitled Patterns opens on April 30 and runs through May 21. An opening reception attended by the artist will be held on April 30 and May 1 from 5 to 8 pm. Horton Hayes Fine Art is located at 30 State Street (corner of State and Queen) in downtown Charleston.
Ella W. Richardson Fine Art is pleased to present an exciting show of new works by Hilarie Lambert and Jeff Jamison titled Celebration of Life. The reception will take place on May 1 from 5 to 8 pm. Some of Lambert’s fabulous new paintings were created during her recent trip to France. The art show will also include a body of new works from Charleston. The gallery is located at 58 Broad Street in Charleston.
The John Doyle Art Gallery will be participating in the May Art Walk on Friday May 1, serving light hors d’oeuvres from 5 to 8 pm and showing new works by Charleston artists, John Carroll Doyle and Margaret Petterson.
Martin Gallery, located at 18 Broad Street, will celebrate its 10th year as one of Charleston’s premier art galleries, with a reception on Friday, May 1st, from 5 to 8 pm. The gallery is pleased to announce that they will be joined by Montreal artist, Joan Dumouchel, who will be presenting a new collection of original paintings. Joan Dumouchel’s paintings are incredibly striking and unique. As though peering into some mystical world, Joan’s work give a sense of wonder and fantasy.
Robert Lange Studios is proud to introduce two new artists to Charleston, Jessica Dunegan and Adam Hall. The gallery will also display 5 new works by artist JB Boyd. The opening reception will be held from 6 to 8pm on May 1st. The gallery is located at 151 East Bay Street in Charleston, SC.
Betty Anglin Smith will present her new works in a show titled A Series of Square Paintings. The art show is opening on May 1 with an artist reception from 5 to 8 pm at Smith Killian Fine Art located at 9 Queen Street in Charleston.
The Sylvan Gallery presents Shirley Novak’s The Hope Flowers Bring from May 1 – 30 with a reception Friday, May 1 from 5 to 8 pm. Being surrounded with flowers especially poppies inspires smiles and hope for one’s own summer garden as well as an understanding of the cycles of life. This show of Novak’s new paintings will bring color and joy to one’s heart. The gallery is located at 171 King Street, in downtown Charleston’s historic district and antique row.
The Wells Gallery, located at 125 Meeting Street, will feature 20 regional landscapes by Karen Larson Turner in a show titled Emergence: Seeking a Steadfast Light. Show opens on Friday, May 1 with a reception from 5 to 8pm.
For more information, contact Vladia Jurcova Spencer at Stylee PR and Marketing or visit cfada.wordpress.com
Friday, May 8, 2009
I just came across a really cool new technique that I thought some of you might be interested in checking out called TattooWall and UrbanTattoo.
If you have ever imagined having one of your paintings or photographs blown up to fit on an entire wall, ceiling, entranceway, bottom of pool... almost anywhere! This is how you can do it. Having been dubbed as the 21st Century fresco, this process allows you to take any image and make it any size and be used in almost any fashion to enhance an existing façade.
TattooWall and UrbanTattoo have just arrived in the US and Charleston from Europe and one of the first certification classes in this process is being offered right here on the weekend of May 9-10. This weekend-long certification class will teach you everything from how to get the right image ready, how to apply the technique, and how to put the finishing touches on the final “mural.” I wanted to send out this information because I think something like this could help you to diversify what you are able to do with your artwork, and what you can offer your clients. The possibilities really are endless! You could create an entire scene in your living room, galleries and museums could use this to create or advertise installations, you could create an entire mural on the outside of a building, a smaller image above a fireplace, a big shark at the bottom of your pool, the list really does go on.
The 2-day class costs $695 and you do receive a certification after successfully completing the class.
I’ve attached a pdf about the class and some contact info below for those of you interested in registering. The class is limited, so if you’re interested, get in touch with them immediately. The class is being put on by Two Girls From the South. View a video of the process at www.twogirlsfromthesouth.com or contact them via phone (843.810.1000) email (support@twogirlsfromthesouth.com) to sign up.
Please feel free to pass this along to any interested artists you may know.
Olivia Pool
ART Magazine
Renaissance Media, LLC
PO Box 13115
Charleston, SC 29422
This innovative MURAL technique offers the opportunity to take your business to a new level and grow in any market!
www.TwoGirlsFromTheSouth.com support@TwoGirlsFromTheSouth.com 843-810-1000 or 843-860-7312 or 800-791-9995 menu2,ext 0
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
CharlestonCulture.com Launch Party May 14
CharlestonCulture.com Created to Provide Virtual Gateway for Charleston's Creative Community
CHARLESTON, SC (April 30, 2009) - The Charleston Arts Coalition, a creative hub for all disciplines in Charleston's creative community, will launch its first project, CharlestonCulture.com on Thursday, May 14 from 6 to 8 pm at Robert Lange Studios followed by an after party at 9 pm at Shine. The event is free to members and $5 donation to non-members. Space is limited, RSVP necessary.
CharlestonCulture.com, an open source website accessible simply by signing up, fulfills Coalition's promise to provide a virtual gateway to the creative arts community of Charleston. The website promotes and gives the general public access to all creative disciplines in our community through profiles, calendar listings, postings and more. Sponsored in part by the Charleston Visitor's Bureau, the site broadens public access and participation in the arts and culture of the area.
"It is our goal to provide a virtual center of creativity where every creative individual of Charleston will be able to promote and market themselves and their talent, trade and craft," says Jessica Solomon Bluestein, president of the Coalition. "Locals and visitors will also benefit from having one central hub where information will be uploaded directly by creatives and not a third party. It will be the master list and calendar of Charleston creatives," she continues.
The Charleston Arts Coalition offers this website to Charleston's creative arts community free of charge with a goal of creating and uniting a dynamic and thriving creative arts environment. Members of the Charleston Arts Coalition will receive premium calendar listings, profile space and postings on the website. Individual membership is $30 per person, and business membership is $50 per business or organization.
The coalition would like to extend its gratitude to Shine Restaurant, Robert Lange Studios and British Wine Merchant as well as DJ Icebread. Robert Lange Studios is located at 151 East Bay Street. Please RSVP to chasartco@gmail.com. For more information about the coalition, to get involved or to take a survey, please visit www.charlestonartscoalition.com.
About the Charleston Arts Coalition:
The Charleston Arts Coalition is devoted to uniting our community through advocacy, outreach, promotion, and educational and professional programming. The Coalition is providing a forum for creative individuals, organizations and businesses to collaborate on projects, exchange ideas, host special events and, in general, promote creativity in Charleston.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Movement and Creative Process: Workshop for Poets, Painters, Philosophers and People | |||
Presenter: Ann Igoe and Eliza Ingle | |||
| |||
May 09, 2009 | |||
10 AM - 4 PM | |||
Tuition: Workshop - $75 by April 10th, $95 after.
| |||
The physicists tell us that ALL is movement. Movement itself is held together by movement. The body is our receiver and/or our interpreter of movement. We have within ourselves the movement of conscious, subconscious, and even pre-conscious metaphors of the psyche. This movement is the raw material of all of our creative work. It is the movement of our emotions actually traveling through the body. Today we have become so intellectual and dependent upon the words of others that we neglect the innate wisdom of our own bodies. This is a workshop that helps us get in touch with the very interior of our being and discover our creative force. We will be working specifically in the arts of poetry, painting, dance and music. Movement flows through the body and out into the rhythm of dance and music, the marks of painting, the words of poets. We will move, draw, listen, and speak. All is very easy and natural: no experience is necessary to participate. Wear comfortable clothes, running shoes, and bring a sandwich for lunch. Eliza received her BA in Dance from Middlebury College in Vermont. She continued her training at the Merce Cunningham and Erick Hawkins schools and performed and choreographed her work in the North and Southeast. She has been teaching Modern Dance at the College of Charleston for the past 12 years. Ann has a MFA in Dance and has worked extensively as a dancer, choreographer, teacher and dance therapist. She has studied with many pioneers in the arts and sciences including Martha Graham, Jose Limon, Robert Bly, Stanley Zompakos and Joseph Campbell. Among other things she is a beloved teacher in Charleston, SC, her native state, of The Existential Leap Workshop. | |||
For more information, visit www.thesophiainstitute.org. |
Thursday, April 16, 2009
2nd Annual Lowcountry Local First Chef's Potluck!
Great Local Chefs, Food and Music
Sunday, May 3rd 4-7 p.m. at Middleton Place. Don't miss another opportunity to get together with friends and share in a wonderful afternoon of food, drinks and music! We will have top chefs in the area preparing dishes using ingredients from our area growers and producers. There will also be live music with Elise Testone, COAST beer, wine, delicious artisan chocolates from SweetTeeth Confection, ice cream from Wholly Cow, and a silent auction. Click Here to see all the participating restaurants and chefs. Thanks to our sponsors Limehouse Produce and Fish! Click here to see a list of all the sponsors of this year's Chef's Potluck.
Tickets On Sale Now at http://lowcountylocalfirst.eventbrite.com/!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Upcoming Events- April 18 & May 15
Friday May 15, 6 -8pm @ Charleston City Gallery @ Waterfront Park, This is the 6 person Contemporary/Hip/New/Installation & Process Based Art Show that I've been talking about, working on, and maybe not returning your phone calls because of. Sorry. It's going to be fabulous. Contemporay Charleston 2009: Revelation of Proccess is a Piccolo Spoleto event. The 2nd floor of the gallery will be full of my work and Ishmael's work... plus a collaboration.. fingers crossed. I'm hoping to have 40 paintings ready in 4 weeks. Plus there will be a catalog and a short documentary.
New paintings will be uploaded to www.KarinOlah.com really soon.
Pass the time with this recent interview by Charleston author, Sara Dobie.
Reflections of the Gullah Community:
Work, the Environment, and Spirituality
April 24, 2009
9 am-4 pm
Mepkin Abbey, 1098 Mepkin Abbey, Moncks Corner, SC
(Home to a Trappist monastery located on the historic site
of the former Mepkin Plantation north of Charleston)
Mepkin Abbey—The Center for Humans & Nature—Penn Center, Inc.
Speakers and Presenters
Emory Shaw Campbell
Director Emeritus, Penn Center & President, Gullah Heritage
Jonathan Green
Jonathan Green Studios
Michael Allen
Gullah-Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor Commission
Rosalyn Browne
Director, Culture and History, Penn Center
Featuring Gullah artisans demonstrating and discussing their work
Continental Breakfast—Catered Lunch—Items from Penn Center’s Collection
This forum is offered at no cost, but registration is required by April 16.
Write or call: Dr. William Bailey @ wbailey@sc.edu 803-777-1587.
Those registering will receive further details about the event.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Knology Launches Design Competition for 2009 Pajama Run Logo
Knology Launches Design Competition for 2009 Pajama Run Logo
The Contest
Can you do better than this?
Knology is looking for a local artist to create the new design for the 2nd Annual Pajama Run. All media is acceptable and entry into the competition is free. For entry form and official contest rules, visit Design Competition
Prize Details
The winner will receive $500 prize and Knology will donate $500 to a charity of the winner’s choice. The winner will also receive recognition as the official 2009 Pajama Run design artist, 10 posters, and 5 t-shirts. The winning artist is expected to attend a reception showcasing the design which will be held in the Edwin and Barbara Pearlstine Healing Garden at Hollings Cancer Center.
The Event
The Annual 5K Pajama Run/Walk was established to raise resources and awareness for cancers occurring below the waist. Benefiting MUSC Hollings Cancer Center, in its inaugural year, the run raised over $10,000 and had over 200 participants. Pajama-clad runners and walkers enjoy a race route that circles Harmond Field and Hampton Park and finish in front of Joe Riley Stadium. A pajama party follows the race with great food, music, awards, and prizes. The 2009 Pajama Run will take place in October. For more information about the Pajama Run, please visit www.knology.com/run
Any questions regarding this competition, please contact:
Catherine Shubeck
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
H2Oly City Photography
Charleston Civic Design Center presents H2Oly City Photography Competition
Cash prizes up to $1,000
Submission deadline: Friday, May 8th, 2009
Exhibition: May through June
Winners announced at the exhibition opening on Friday, May 15th, from 6-8:00 PM
For more info: visit http://www.charlestoncity.info/h2olycity
The Charleston Civic Design Center is pleased to announce the H2Oly City Photography Competition: in order to promote awareness of the role of water in our lifestyle and how it influences Charleston’s civic environment. For more information, please call 843.958.6416, or see the H2Oly City Photography Competition website: http://www.charlestoncity.info/h2olycity
The competition is open to all and will offer close to 1,000 dollars in cash prizes. Entries are split into two different categories; one category is open to anyone, and the other is only open to youth (15 and under). All eligible photos must be taken in Charleston, must be the sole property of the photographer, must not be previously published, and should include a depiction of how our water influences our lifestyle and Charleston’s civic environment. The registration fee and submission deadline is Friday, May 8th, 2009. All eligible photos will be included in the May exhibition which will take place at the Civic Design Center, 85 Calhoun Street. The winners will be chosen based on the aesthetic quality of the photo and its effectiveness at promoting an awareness of the role of water in our lifestyle, and civic environment. All winners will be announced at the opening of the exhibition on Friday, May 15th, from 6:00pm-8:00pm.
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